Friday, November 26, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving!  (To those in the USA)

I thought I would dedicate this post to some of my Thanksgiving memories. 

We usually had the traditional feast;  turkey, potato's, rolls, veggies, and pie.  Just thinking about it makes me hungry.  We had a kid table and an adult table.  I'm not sure when you were supposed to graduate from the kid table, because I'm still stuck there and I'm in my 20's!

When I was younger my grandpa was the custodian at the high school where he lived.  Anyway after lunch he would open the gym up and let my uncles, cousins, and I run loose.  (I think my grandma and aunts just wanted us to get out of the house and run off some energy, lol)  I'll never forget those basketballs pelting me in the head and face, luckily before I had glasses.  We stayed at the gym for hours, unfortunately I don't have any photo's from it.  I know somewhere there are some old VHS tapes. 

This was sort've a fast/ pointless post. 

NEXT WEEK:   Remember the game  Lava?

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