I got Animal Crossing:New Leaf when it came out this summer. It's great, fun, but also very VERY addicting. Then being a nostalgia nut that I am, I hooked up my gamecube and attempted to play.
Well, I haven't played my file in like 9 months. My town was covered in weeds, I couldn't remember what was donated to the museum, and I just wanted to start over. It was a hard decision because I had amazing neighbors; Mitzi, Bob, Lucky, and Cob were my favorites. After a few seconds of thoughts I deleted the file from my memory card and started over.
I must say the New Leaf has spoiled me. Everything takes much longer to do in the original version, such as selling things to Tom Nook, switching between tools, and getting fossils inspected. It's still very much enjoyable to play, and very addicting. I don't have any regrets for starting my town over.
For those who don't know what Animal Crossing is. I'm going to give a short description of what it's about.
You start the game in a traveling in a Train, and cat named Rover asks to sit down with you. You don't really have the option to tell him 'no.' He then proceeds to ask you questions. One is what's your name, I always name my avatar FUNKIE. Another is the name of the town that you're traveling to, my town name always changes. Another question he asks regards if you have a place to stay and money. It doesn't matter what you say, Rover will excuse himself to make a phone call. After he comes back he tells you that he's talked to a friend that's willing to help your character out, Tom Nook. When you arrive to your town, you finally get to see what your character looks like, it depends on how you answered your questions as to the hair and eye color/ shape will look like. Now is where my memory may get a little fuzzy. I believe Tom Nook is waiting for you when you get to the train station, he proceeds to tell you that he has some dirt cheap houses that you can live in. There are four houses to choose from, they are all the same except for roof color. I should also mention that they aren't really "houses" they are more like a tiny shack.
After you pick one Tom Nook tells you how to save, this is important or you'll get harassed by Mr. Resetti. Mr. Resetti can and WILL yell at you for minutes upon minutes if you don't save, it's a big PITA! When Tom Nook asks for money for the house you only have 1,000 bells, bells is the money that is used in the Animal Crossing universe, then he says that it isn't enough and offers you a part time job in his little shop. You basically do all the grunt work for him; making deliveries, doing advertising, work on the landscaping. He also has you meet all the neighbors, I think you start out with 4, and Tortimer who's the mayor. After you do all the jobs Nook using the money he was going to pay you to go towards your "loan." It still won't be paid off, but he tells you that you can go fishing, catch bugs, and dig up fossils. You just bring him what you caught and he'll pay you for them. Fossil's have to be sent away to the Farway museum to be inspected. (You can also take fishes, bugs, and fossils to the local museum to be donated.) You can take the bells that you earn to buy furniture, clothes, other tools, and pay off loans, to make your house larger.
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My Animal Crossing Collection |