Sunday, April 22, 2012


We went to the zoo for my birthday yesterday.  It was fun and I got sun burnt, ouch!  This zoo lets you pet and feed the animals.  I got a ton of pics and  video, but I haven't had time to edit everything out yet.  We fed lemurs, giraffes, birds, and rode on a camel. We also saw a ton of other animals and ate ice cream.  It was a lot of fun!

This camel is named Charlie, we couldn't convince him to go to Candy Mountain.

The lemur's love cranberry's.  (My sister is feeding this one.)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

AHHHH...... Sorry!

I know, I've been bad.  I haven't updated in a month!  I'm sorry, I've just been so busy with work and school.  I will update again soon, I promise.

It's almost my birthday, which means  one thing ZOO!!!!!

My next post will be about all the wonderful adventures you can have at the zoo.  As a bonus, here's a pic of a giraffe <3